The term CoreTrait is composed of the two word components Core (from English = core, matter of the heart) and Trait (from English = characteristic). The phonetic similarity to the term portrait (from the French = portrait) is intended.

The CoreTrait is a generic term from the fine arts. There are two variants:
The company CoreTrait and the person CoreTrait. In both forms different materials are used and mounted (glued, screwed, painted) to a new whole on a base. In this sense, the CoreTrait can also be assigned to the generic term assemblage and the contemporary form of a mosaic.

In terms of content and concept, however, the CoreTrait differs from a free assemblage. Coretraiting is the creative, three-dimensional representation of a person (or a company) with the help of specific materials. For example, a surgeon can be represented by means of explanted implants, a dentist by the use of differently coloured teeth mounted in the mosaic manner or a textile manufacturer by all kinds of small textile accessories. All the individual materials used are used as "color pixels within a pictorial crowd" and together they produce the abstract portrait of the CoreTrained. There are no limits to your imagination.

What is important in any case is the content-related, conceptual interaction between the depicted personality (the company) and the things used in the sense of a positively proven ambiguity. The consciously chosen near-distance effect, i.e. the visibility of the large whole from a distance and the discovery of the small, when the observer approaches, up to the haptic comprehension of the subject matter, is an integral part of this genre.

All CoreTraits works share the philosophy "E pluribus unum" (lat.; freely translated: from many one).